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This dataset sums the CAUSES for listing a waterbody on the US EPA's 303d list by HUC 10 watershed. The line (streams) and polygon (ponds, lakes, reservoirs, etc.) GIS was obtained from the California State Water Quality Control Board and contains all streams listed on the 303d list. These GIS layers were joined to a table (also from the California State Water Quality Control Board) that lists all impaired water bodies, the pollutant for which they are listed, and the potential CAUSE of that pollutant in a water body.
For this dataset, the CAUSE(S) for each water body were used to assess the level of impairment by HUC10 watershed. It was assumed that more causes per watershed implied a higher level of impairment.
Data Provided By:
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Content date:
The user will cite the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection as the original source of the data, but will clearly denote cases where the original data have been altered, updated, or in any way changed from the original condition.
Contact Organization:
not specified
Contact Person(s):
not specified
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REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for using the data set after access is granted.
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